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The real estate business is all about consistency.  But let’s face it, if you cannot be consistent, at least be inconsistent. 

inconsistencyYou have heard from any and every real estate coach out there that you need to be consistent in your business….we’re talking real estate here but literally, any business. Consistent at what?  The things that really matter;

  • Time blocking for lead generation
  • Time blocking for lead follow through and follow up
  • Time blocking for admin duties
  • Time blocking for working on, not in, your business

Truth of the matter is, this is business.  And business has a nasty habit of interfering with your time blocking and plans, right? Sure, you had two hours set aside for lead follow up and yet you received an emergency text, email, two phone calls and a facebook rant (all in the span of about 3 minutes) about frozen pipes at one of the investment properties you manage or any vacant house you have for sale.  That, as we say, sucks and needs to be dealt with immediately.

Don’t Erase It, Replace It
Resolve says that yes, you do have to take care of the emergencies in your life but that no matter is too great to make you take your eyes off your initial goals.  You KNOW that you have to lead generate for two hours a day, every business day, to get to the goals you have set.  So you deal with the little emergencies that come up but unless absolutely necessary you don’t do it during your time blocked hours.  If you MUST, then you don’t erase, you replace.

You Will Fail
The path to success is littered with the carnage of failure.  Even the most disciplined agents I have ever met or coached fail to be as consistent as they wished they been.  That is where accountability (ie, coaching) steps in and says “Okay, what are we going to do to get back on the path?”  Invariably, the answer is to get re-started on being consistent.

Which is what I mean by “If you can’t be consistent, at least be inconsistent.”

What did you miss this week?  Start again, today.