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In our last post about WordPress for Real Estate Agents  I gave you some things to think about for Getting Your Blog Online.  So I’m going to presume here that you have gone to, registered and are now staring at a dashboard on your left and a place to add a post on your right.

NOW IS THE TIME to start writing.

Listen, you can do one of several things now;

  1. Start worrying about learning everything before beginning.
  2. Start worrying about design.
  3. Start worry about building content.

You may want to do the list 1, 2 and then 3.  I’m going to suggest you do the list 3, 2 and then 1.

Content First
We’ll talk about key words and phrases in another post.  But introduce yourself on your blog.  Tell people why you are writing it and what the expected topics will be. You’ll naturally use some key words. You don’t have to worry about it being a masterpiece yet because nobody is even reading yet!  It’s about building content.

Get in the practice of writing 3 times a week, minimum.  Make this a lead generation habit.  Provide content people will want to read.  But again don’t worry. You will find yourself as a writer as time goes forward.  We’ll talk more about that.

DesignAssignment #1
After you have a couple posts posted, you’ll want to start picking your design.  Play around here.  I like simple. But I too can get lost for hours in getting my template chosen, my color scheme, my font, etc.  This stuff matters, but not as much as content.

Learning Everything
As you write and as you play with your design you’ll grow more comfortable in how WordPress works.  You’ll learn there are very few fatal things you can do to your blog.  You’ll learn some of the nuances of the controls and settings.  We’ll point out some things in the continuing series. But this is an organic, natural process.

Assignment #1 is to start building content.  Period.  Lose yourself in the moment. You own it. Never let it go.  (My apologies to Eminem.)