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I’ve been working with buyer, sellers and exchangers of real estate since 2002 and I’m here to tell you that working with real estate investors requires a different mindset than working with primary home buyers and sellers. Why?  The purpose and the goals are entirely different.

A real estate investor is looking for a property that will kick off cash flow while his or her tenants pay down (or pay back if the investor paid cash) the principal as well as generate some kind of tax and appreciation benefits along the way.  A primary home buyer or seller of real estate in your area never really considers most of those issues.

Some agents prefer to work with “regular” buyers and sellers.  Some do a little of both.  And few choose to specialize in helping and working with real estate investors.  But more real estate agents should know more about working with real estate investors.  It just makes sense. Working with investors can;

  • Increase your buyer pool
  • Even out the agent’s cash flow
  • Create a specialty niche

Consider knowing all their is to know about working with real estate investors and income property.  You may be glad you did.